What is the difference between Variants and Baselines?

Are you looking for a Baseline feature on Requirement Yogi Cloud? Unfortunately, we do not have them, instead we have Variants. Don’t know the difference? Check our guide:

Use cases

Baselines on RY Data Center

Variants on RY Cloud

Baselines on RY Data Center

Variants on RY Cloud

We want to create a Baseline for each new release of the product.

We need different specifications for 2 different customers, and they are slightly different.

We want to keep track of requirements that have been approved by the client.

We must keep the public version intact, while we're currently working on the next version of the product

Use as a history tool

Parallel evolution of the same product but with small differences

I want to test a specific version of requirements and link it to Jira.

Features Comparison


Baselines on RY Data Center

Variants on RY Cloud


Baselines on RY Data Center

Variants on RY Cloud

Create versions of requirements

all requirements, or a preset from the search, or from a page.

Variants are assigned per page, in bulk or individually.

Freeze requirements so they are not editable

Workaround is to lock the permissions of a page


up to 5

Version Comparison

In the Diff

See who made changes

Use the search and traceability on specific versions

Create dependencies and links to Jira with specific versions

Don’t know whether you are on Cloud or Data Center?

Please check out this guide to know which you are on:


Related content

Variants (Cloud)

Baselines (Data Center)

Variants (Cloud)

Baselines (Data Center)