RY Testing and Compliance - Release Notes

RY Testing and Compliance - Release Notes

Read about the release notes for the plug-in Requirement Yogi Testing and Compliance.

See the version history on the Atlassian Marketplace

We maintain the version history on the Atlassian Marketplace, where you can subscribe to news: Version history. This page only contains major announcements.

Version 3.3 – Data Center version in September 2022!

Since many customers have requested a Data Center version of RY Testing & Compliance, we have finally decided to spend this effort. After a several weeks of work to pass the scalability tests, we are happy to announce that Atlassian has approved our request. It has the following consequences:

✅ Upsides

  • The app has been tested for large instances,

  • The code has been proof-read and rearranged to avoid various possible locks or hanging threads,

  • The app will keep on living for long, even after Atlassian stops supporting Server instances in February 2024.

😑 Downsides

  • Since the initial approval involved a lot of work from our part, the price has increased,

  • Licenses are yearly instead of perpetual. Aside from being required by the DC program, it is justified by the fact that we have to re-test and pass the approvals every year.

  • Atlassian requires that you use a Data Center license if you have a DC instance of Confluence (Note: A DC instance of Confluence starts at USD 27,000 per year for 500 users).


What can I do if it don't want to pay this price?

  • As opposed to yearly DC licenses, you can keep Server licenses forever and you are allowed to all upgrades during 1 year after purchase,

  • We must give you 3 month notice before publishing a Data Center version,

  • So, you can profit from these news and renew your Server license now. You'll benefit from 1 year of upgrades until August 2023. It is not far from the end-of-life of Atlassian's Server editions.

The new pricing is provided on this page: RY Testing and Compliance - Pricing