New in Requirement Yogi 4.0!
In 4.0.0, Key Suggestions were replaced with Requirement Types. Same feature when administrators are not using it, and we add the validations, templates, etc.
Requirement types fulfill 3 needs:
Defining key patterns: As a project is gaining maturity, key patterns for requirements are established. Administrators can define which are the main keys, and even lock down the keys that can be inserted in spaces,
Validations: Administrators can define properties and dependencies which are required for a type of requirement.
Templates: When users insert such keys in an empty table, it will setup the table with all the properties, by default.
Running the validations
Validations can only be run in two ways:
When a page is reindexed (all validations will be run),
When a user clicks “Play” on a requirement type (only one validation will be run - requires EDIT permissions on the space),
Note that it is not possible to rerun all validations in a space.
Seeing the validations
Required fields are displayed in view mode,
Required and optional are displayed in edit mode,
The columns of required and optional properties are inserted in empty tables. They won’t be inserted once the tables have some amount of text.
“Quick fixes” can add more columns, and they are suggested next to red messages in the editor.
People who can view the space can list the key suggestions, requirement types and their properties.
People who can edit the space can run the validations of single requirement types, and of course edit pages and generate new keys based on suggestions. If the keys are not locked down, then editing pages will automatically add new key suggestions.
Space-admins can create, update and delete requirement types, and lock down the keys.
We have limits for the number of validation messages generated by page. Currently, the limit is 200 SQL requests per run, 1000 messages and 5 seconds.