Open transparency!
Please also discover the upsides of Requirement Yogi. We are one of the rare vendors who communicate openly about the limitations, because we believe it helps managing expectations. Nevertheless, we are also better than the competitors on all the upsides so please make an accurate assessment of the product before looking at those limitations.
Fewer limitations than on Data Center
We’re proud to say that our Cloud solution is now on par with our Confluence Data Center offering. Therefore, the Limitations for Data Center don’t apply to the Cloud version.
Some limitations are due to us; Others are made necessary due to the Confluence API.
Confluence Instance:
Cloud versions are limited to 50,000 requirements by default, 1,000,000 in certain conditions.
Confluence pages:
100 requirements per page. Our software supports more, but Confluence tends to timeout while displaying them. Don’t worry! Your requirements are still here, and taken into account, but the image of the macros don’t display. We recomment splitting your requirements in multiple pages.
Traceability matrix:
The total cell count of the matrix is limited to 100 000 (For example, 10 000 rows of 10 columns),
Up to 500 requirements per page,
Up to 15 000 requirements for an export,
A time limit of 2 minutes per traceability matrix (both for export and web).
If you display too many Jira issues (more than 500) or Jira columns, it will probably take us more than 2 minutes to get the information from Jira, resulting in a timeout.
Requirements to requirements links : 15 to 200 at most. We don’t have a hard limit on this topic, but the UI will perform slowly in many places, our product being based on the assumption that relationships are close relationships.
Jira Issues:
Same as dependencies, 200 at most. We do not recommend linking one issue per requirement. It implies you are managing the same data as requirements and as a Jira issue. You will then have trouble keeping them up to date with Confluence in mass.
For a correct indexation, requirements cannot be placed in a column or row with a header configuration.
If you are using an horizontal table, make sure the configuration is set to ‘Header row’ only. This way we’ll be able to index the requirement and properties.
If you are using a vertical table, make sure the configuration is set to ‘Column row’ only.
Requirements are extracted from pages and exported to the entire space. We apply the space permissions for view, edit and admin. Therefore, page-level restrictions don’t apply to requirements. Please inform your users that, as soon as a requirement is tagged, everyone in the space will be able to see it, even if the original page was restricted to a subgroup of members.
External Properties
We do not track who and what was changed.
When external properties are modified, there are no conditions to change from one value to another, and any user who has permissions to edit pages can edit the external properties. We do not track which user has edited them.
You can see modifications in External properties with the Modification Matrix, but it will only be a comparison between Variants. You won’t see all the changes made outside of variants.
We do not support images in Excel exports.
If you want to move one space from one Cloud instance to another instance, you will have to use Confluence’s export/import from CVS. This will only migrate pages and the requirements on them, not saved Traceability matrices, variants, transformations or validation rules.
Once you’ve imported pages from CSV, you’ll need to go in the RY Administration > GDPR / Export > Click on the restore button.
Integration with other apps or macros
We analyze the ADF provided by Atlassian to index requirements.
For other macros, we should be able to read and index them when their data can be recovered from the ADF. However, some vendors use IDs or specific data that we cannot index:If their APIs are open, we have to reach out to the vendor to get the correct data to index.
If their APIs are closed, then there is nothing much we can do.
If you are seing some odd behavior using other macros, please reach out on the support and we’ll see what we can do.
Features we don’t have on the Cloud
There is no popup on the Cloud when hovering over requirements. It’s impossible to do it, because Confluence Cloud doesn’t have an API for that. It was replaced by the intermediate screen with all of the details of the requirement.
You cannot use requirement macros inside Confluence blueprints templates.
No inline transformations. It was replaced with the Page transformations Transformation Wizard, which is, frankly, awesome 😉.
Please check out this page for the full comparison: Requirement Yogi Cloud vs Data Center