Release 2.0 – Excel import

Release 2.0 – Excel import

In this release, you will mainly discover:

Price change

We're increasing the price of Requirement Yogi, for 3 reasons:

  • Requirement Yogi was initially priced at 25% of Confluence, but we haven't increased after the price bump last year, as opposed to most plugins,

  • We are releasing the version 2.0 with a new valuable feature (Excel imports),

  • We need funding to work on the Data Center certification, which will benefit everyone since the performance will improve for all users.

Confluence Server

Data Center

Confluence Server

Data Center



RY - 2018

RY - 2019

Confluence DC

Requirement Yogi DC

10 Users






25 Users






50 Users






100 Users






250 Users






500 Users






1000 Users






2000 Users






10.000 Users






15.000 Users



20.000 Users



25,000 Users








Notes for administrators

We've worked on the reindexing algorithm

If you notice a change of performance, please notify us. We've ran the tests (see Performance) and reach the same results, varying depending on the quantity of changed requirements, so we're confident we're not impacting your servers negatively. However, it may always happen that we underestimate some scenarios, so please tell us about any issue.

We aim at obtaining the Data Center certifications, so the performance will keep improving in the following months. See Data Center strategy for Requirement Yogi.

Global limit

It is now possible to set a global limit which is used everywhere. The default is 12,000 requirements in any batch, 2,000 by default in the UI, and 4,000 for import. See Global limit if you are interested.

We haven't implemented the global limit yet on the Coverage and Dependency matrix.

Excel import

We've introduced the Excel tab, to import requirements from Excel files.

  • It is possible to disable the Excel import entirely,

  • It is possible to limit the number of requirements per file.

See Excel Import if you are interested.


We plan to change the permissions.

We used to rely on the EXPORT permission of the space, to determine the visibility of the Coverage, Dependencies, Traceability and Excel tabs. At the time we chose the "Export" permission, although the name doesn't fit, because it matches the performance profile of the export: Those features require a lot of processing or I/O power, and exporting a space also requires a lot of power.

Since we've implemented the Global limit, we believe there is no reason to require this permission anymore, since we've found a way to limit the impact of those features on other users. We plan to drop this permission in the next release.

Be prepared, in an upcoming release, to have those tabs appear for all users.

Changes in the Test & Compliance module

  • None,

  • To be exact, a spelling mistake was corrected, and a deprecated method was replaced with the most recent version,

  • We've just published the module so customers have consistent version numbers, but it is not necessary to upgrade.

Changes in the RY for Jira module

  • Reload the issue dynamically (after editing the links),

  • Fix an error when the user wasn't privileged and wanted to edit the links (RY-276 and RY-377).

List of Jira issues

See the list of Jira issues here.

type key summary assignee reporter priority status resolution created updated due

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