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nameRenaming or exporting a space

Find out how to rename or export a space, when you have the Requirement Yogi plug-in.


Help document

This page is provided for help. It is not normally part of the installation.

When to use this page?

This is a help document in case you are renaming the key of a space, more specifically its space key.

If you rename spaces, then Requirement Yogi doesn't automatically track the change. You will have to perform a lot of operations manually.


The other way of doing it is to let Requirement Yogi reindex:

  • Change the space key,
  • Launch Requirement Yogi's reindex,

It will:

  • Recreate the data about the current versions of requirements, assuming all those requirements are new,
  • Baselines will be lost,
  • Links from other spaces will be lost,
  • Links from Jira will be lost. They will still appear on the Jira side, but will reach a 404 page in Confluence. They won't appear on the new requirements in Confluence.

Places where the space key is mentioned


or when attempting to export-then-import a space.

Exporting a space to another instance

Since version 3.5.0 (November 2022), things have improved greatly. Please see the history of this page for help on older versions.

How to proceed?

Simply use Import/export of Requirement Yogi data to a Confluence or Jira instance.

What are the limitations of the import/export tool?

If you have pages pointing from other spaces, then you will also have to modify the XML of those pages.

Why should the XML of pages be updated?

What happens is, all macros from other spaces point to a given { space key, requirement key, baseline }, and the space key needs to be updated.

Requirement Yogi can't do it automatically, because we don't have direct access to the DB, and API access will trigger all sorts of notifications (and slowness).

The impact of not doing it is, next time the page will be updated, Requirement Yogi will not find the requirement at { space key, requirement key, baseline }, and it will assume it's a link to a non-existing requirement.

Please edit the database yourself.

How to modify the XML of pages

There is no "clean" way of doing that, you will have to issue SQL instructions.


To perform an accurate migration, you will have to write an XML parser.

Tables in the Confluence database

You will have to modify the following tables in the database, which contain the spaceKey parameter:

  • AO_32F7CE_AOINTEGRATION_QUEUE, inside the JSON column. You will have to write a JSON parser or, more simply, to purge the queue before starting !
  • BANDANA, keys starting with com.playsql.requirementyogi.* – It is a generic table for all settings in Confluence. Check that saved traceability matrixes don't contain a space key. 

The queue is a queue of messages between Confluence and Jira. As said above, one simple solution is to stop modifying pages, going to the Requirement Yogi administration, and clicking "Send all messages to Jira". This way, existing messages will be sent end messages above 1000 will be deleted.

Note that if you also change the Jira application, you will also have to change AO_32F7CE_AOINTEGRATION to update the Applink ID. This is also documented, in Admin - Changing Applinks.

Tables in the Jira database

  • AO_42D05A_REMOTE_REQUIREMENT, change the spaceKey.
  • AO_42D05A_AOQUEUE_MESSAGE (starting from version 2.6, not published at the time of writing), change the spaceKey inside of the JSON column. More simply, send all messages from the RY administration in Jira before starting.

If you also change the Applink to Confluence, you will have to change the Applink ID in:

  • AO_42D05A_REMOTE_REQUIREMENT, change the spaceKey.
  • The plugin settings table, check all keys starting with "com.playsql.requirementyogijira."


As a summary, there are 5 types of places where you will have to perform modifications:

