We are not part of Atlassian’s partner program that will automatically give you 25%a discount. But, we still give discounts to partners when they contact us via the support: https://requirementyogi.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/group/3 . Don’t worry, the decision making person will answer you directly.
Why? Because it allows us to connect
. We’d like Partners to give us feedback on our strategic positioning ; Please tell us what are our smooth or friction points, please tell us how we compare with competitors and what arguments finally close sales.
How can I stay tuned to your news?
We do not, you can find all training available on our youtube channel, or in the documentation. If you need a specific demo, we are always available for a call, you can book it here: https://calendly.com/requirement-yogi/meetopen-hours