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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

If you want to create links to reference requirements between one and another. When creating your requirements, you will want to reference that requirement to another existing requirement. We’ll see how to create dependencies depending on your structure in this documentation.

You can also take a look at the tutorial for more information:


How to create a dependency?

Using tables

When you write your requirements in tables, whether in Horizontal, or Vertical, you will simply have to add the /requirement yogi link macro to your requirement line.

The name of the relationship is the one you put in the column header.

In the first example below: FN-01 references BR-01 and DIS-REQ-001 with the relationship Refines.

Horizontal Tables

Vertical Tables



Linear Docs


Horizontal Table - Dependency.pngImage AddedVertical Table - Dependency.pngImage Added
Horizontal Table - Dependency (Detail).pngImage AddedVertical Table - Dependency (Detail).pngImage Added

Using paragraphs

When you write requirements is using paragraphs, we will index the paragraph where the requirement is defined in. And the dependencies work the same way as above:

  • Write your requirement definition and put a /requirement yogi link macro in the same paragraph for us to index it as a dependency.

  • By default, the name of the relationship will be Dependency but you can customize it with the RY Configuration macro and Paragraph Configuration (see docs).

  • In the example below, TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT 001 references LIDAR 001, with the relationship Dependency.

Paragraph Requirement.pngImage AddedParagraph requirement dependency.pngImage Added

Using Linear Docs

When you write requirements outside of tables, and need a better customization than the paragraphs, we have a feature called Linear Documents.

💡Linear documents create requirement keys for each heading, we index the heading text as the description, and everything that is written in that section will be the property @Content of the requirement. If you are not familiar with linear docs, we recommend to read the documentation and test the feature: Linear documents: Manage requirements outside of tables .

There are two ways to create dependencies using Linear Documents:

  1. Automatic dependencies: Linear docs index dependencies using the heading hierarchy. H1 titles reference H2 titles, which also reference H3 titles, etc.

    1. In the example below, you can see the heading 4.1.1 references headings and, and is referenced by heading 4.1.

Linear Document Dependency.pngImage AddedLinear Document Depdency - Detail.pngImage Added
  1. Usual way: Using the /requirement yogi link macro anywhere in your paragraphs, and we’ll index it as a dependency of the last heading.

    1. In the example below, you can see the Heading 1.2 references MSFC-STF-3716 with the link macro.

Linear Document dependency - Link macro.pngImage AddedLinear Document Dependency - Link macro detail.pngImage Added

Using the parent requirement configuration

How to trace dependencies?

Search syntax

Traceability Matrix

Dependency graph

Most asked questions

How do I know the direction and hierarchy?


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