Taking the opportunity of exporting the Dependency Matrix to Excel, we've also greatly extended the Excel export. It now exports in the native .xlsx format, so we use 2 sheets, frozen panes and hyperlinks.
Other screenshots
We add some new keywords for the search: "TO" and "FROM". Like the "JIRA" keyword, it allows you to search all requirements linked to and from another requirement, and you can specify the property name (i.e. "TO@implements" or "FROM@refines").
In the following screenshots, we show how dependencies appear in the search, how the coverage looks when there are several relationships, and how to configure an RY Property macro for a column that contains dependencies.
Technical Notes
Building the coverage and dependency matrix use a lot of resources. It's not so much the calculations and the database I/O, it's building an HTML page with a few thousand cells and sending it to the user.